Discover The Wellness Trend That Is Changing The Game: Yooforic

A popular trend has infiltrated the mainstream, it´s a reflection of new preferences across the wellness and lifestyle landscape and we got a sneak peek.
People from all walks of life have experienced the benefits of hemp oil products but oftentimes find that traditional delivery methods such as tinctures are not only complicated to transport and use but also lack optimum bioavailability, hence the true health potential of these products is often minimized.
A group of experts discovered a better way. Enter Yooforic, the world´s first premium quality, certified organic, sugar free, non-GMO, no THC hemp oil infused chewing gum.

We tried the product and were blown away! The signature chill mint flavor is smooth and enticing, each piece has perfect texture and the calming effect helped us get through a 12-hour work day with no anxiety or pain. Needless to say we became instant fans of Yooforic.
Yooforic is championed by iconic, multi-award winning music producer and accomplished entrepreneur Gibson Kagni, better known as G Production, who has worked with megastars like Diddy, Jason Derulo, Snoop Dogg and Rihanna…to name a few.
The brand is set to have its official launch party at Miami hotspot Mandrake and with multiple influencers and socialites already falling in love with it, it´s safe to say Yooforic is here to stay.