In Mexico, A Leading Clinic Is Giving Lyme Disease Patients Renewed Hopes

When it comes to health and personal wellbeing, nothing is more important than the certainty that comes with expert care and treatment.

Especially for patients dealing with a complex disease, and one that is often misdiagnosed, squandering away valuable time that could otherwise be used to fully restore a patient´s health to its optimum state.

Lyme disease, which has been dubbed “the great imitator” due to the misleading nature of its symptoms is a serious medical condition that requires specialized treatment.

Quick facts about Lyme disease:

  • Lyme is the fastest growing infectious bacterial disease in the USA. Lyme disease is caused by a spiral shaped bacteria (spirochete) called Borrelia. There are 100 different strains of Borrelia in the USA and 300 worldwide. In the USA, Lyme disease is twice as common as Breast Cancer and six times as common as AIDS. Source: ILADS

  • Lyme is pathologically ignored by the CDC. 40 years after the discovery of Lyme disease the CDC continues to promote out-of-date and outmoded Lyme treatment guidelines by the Infectious Disease Society of America (IDSA), despite an IOM certified, up-to-date alternative available from International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society (ILADS). Promoting IDSA guidelines put the patients at serious risk. Source: Outbreak News Today

  • Lyme patients must pay out-of-pocket for long-lasting treatment. Since the CDC denies the existence of chronic Lyme, insurance companies are not required to cover costs related to the disease. Patients spend on average $53,000 per year out-of-pocket for tests, doctor visits, pharmaceuticals and supplements. Source: Lyme Stats Survey

  • Only 3–26 percent see the tick that bites them. Source: Dr. Christine Green, ILADS

“It is important to remember that Lyme is not treated the same by all doctors. You will find that the opinion on diagnosing and treating Lyme is deeply divided within the medical community, especially for Lyme that is not cured by short-term treatment. Doctors are divided on how they view Lyme treatment. Some believe that short-term antibiotic therapy cures Lyme: if you are still sick, then you are suffering from an autoimmune response, you have another on-going infection or an unknown syndrome. Other doctors such as myself believe that if you still have symptoms after initial treatment you most likely are dealing with a persistent and chronic Lyme infection which can progressively affect most if not all the organs and should be treated carefully and individualized depending on each case, for however long is necessary to see improvement. The different views on how to treat Lyme has resulted in these two standards of care,” said Dr. Omar Morales, founder of Lyme Mexico Clinic.

The Lyme Mexico Clinic

The Lyme Mexico clinic in Puerto Vallarta has developed an effective approach to treating the disease. Dr. Omar Morales, the clinic director, studied Lyme Disease treatments from all over the world and analyzed their results. He found that some treatments work better for some patients than others. He also studied the characteristics of the patients who responded to different treatments. Now Lyme Mexico combines proven treatments with advanced medical techniques to give patients their best chance at recovery.

Individual treatment plans

With his knowledge of the world’s most effective treatments, blood cells, and human biology, Dr. Morales found that patients respond best to their own individualized treatment plans. Genetic deficiencies and exposure to things like mold, heavy metals, and chemical substances make people even more susceptible to damage from the infection. Lyme Mexico designs their treatment plans based on their patients’ full medical history and current physical health.

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